Friday, January 8, 2016

Winter hatin', had me a blatz

A year between posts doesn't mean I died and went to Titan, it just means I still kinda hate the internet. But I return now to remind you that I hate the internet, and also winter.

Once again, SIBERIAN ASS TORTURE reunited this winter to play shows, write and record new songs, and screenprint our own shirts. In the near future we hope to have some cassettes of our new songs, and 7" EPs with a mix of new songs and old songs re-recorded. Start digging your graves now, because it's gonna kill!

Also, new OXYGEN DESTROYER recordings have been mixed and will be released soon to ravage your eardrums. Check out this early mix of "Good Morning America" and torch a cop car or something.

I and some friends also started a noise project called CRⒶCK, and we'll have some recordings compiled and posted online soon. Til then, get off the fucking internet!

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