Monday, August 24, 2020

Cat Cerebrations - new compilation available now!

 Catfoodmoney presents for your listening pleasure, "Cat Cerebrations 猫の大脳作用": this compilation features heavy sounds ranging from noise rock, psychedelic sludge, metallic punk, and interstellar vibrations!


You can listen for free on youtube, or if you prefer I have cassette tapes available - email chriscatfood@gmail if you're lookin to get one!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hope everyone is staying safe as covid-19 and fascist forces wreak havoc throughout the planet.
You can still get physical releases from me here at CFM, but if you need more digital tuneage to keep you sane as you stay safe inside or out there protesting bullshit racist plutocrats, you can hear some of our physical releases online:

GC has "Summer of George" + "Apocalypse Now, Serenity Later" the new EP, check it out!

OD has "Good Morning America" online, with more ear devastating tunes soon to come!

SAT has a newly remixed 2020 version of the 2nd EP, now titled "Commie Space Brain"!

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also compiling lots of wild jams I did with friends over recent years, here's a lil' sample:

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New CFM Vinyl!

Just realized i hadn't updated in forever, so i present you with vinyl from
from san francisco! (or sein francisco, depending on who you're asking)

Pure analog signal cut from the master reels to a split LP with both bands and loudest volume for maximum sonic boom, or get em each on their own 7" for compact cacaphonic catastrophy! You can email me via chriscatfood@gmail or buy them via discogs or bandcamp to feed your phonograph frenzy!

oxygen destroyer side of split LPgeorge crustanza side of split LP